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Monday, December 7, 2015

Travel is Fatal - Beware the Beasties

Mark Twain well Samuel L. Clemens actually, said it.  It is true.  Truer words have probably been spoken.  Maybe.  People have been talking to each other for a long time.  These words however, ring very true to me.  Especially true.  Thank you to an old friend for sharing it.  The entire quote is this:

It is also true that Clemens had rare insight and understanding of human behavior.  Especially rare was his talent for making the regular Joe understand what he was thinking.  You read him and say "yeah, I knew that." and you probably really did.  You just can't quantify it like he could.

You may not agree with any or all of this.  It is one person's opinion.  You may love it.  Make up your own mind.  Figure it out for yourself.

School of Surf
My wife wrote a bit about technology earlier.  We are not using a lot right now. Not because we do not have it but because what we are doing takes time. We do not have the time to watch TV, movies, or sporting events as much as we may want to.  So we keep up with friends family and news using Facebook and "smart" phones mostly.  We can use it anywhere so why not?  It is actually a primary tool for us now.  A connection in real time.  Facebook in the morning, in the evening, when we can really.

This blog is another tool.  We can get in depth here.  Family, friends, and total strangers can follow along, perhaps gaining some insight into who my wife and I really are.  Maybe just seeing we are okay.  Some may hope to find we are not okay in a secret chamber in their heart; whether they know it or not.  Whether they admit it to themselves or not.  It is human nature and that is okay. Most do not really mean it but the thoughts creep in which brings me to my point.

The School of Surf is needed for this.
Since I now read from and post to Facebook every day, I see a lot more of what makes people who they are than I used to.  It probably sounds weird but there is a rhythm to your Facebook posts. Many times I can tell when a person is posting from work.  People are more active when working, that is for sure. Mondays people start early.  Posts are different with our moods.  People disappear for days at a time and then post in flurries.  Rhythm there too.

It is also a little strange seeing posts from my unique vantage point.  I'm connected but not.  Not above it.  With it.  Hovering in the peripheral.

There is a lot of fear.  Fear of Government, fear of terrorism, fear of religion, fear of losing faith, fear of not belonging.  Fear of others.  Yep.  Fear of other people.  That is what it clearly (to me anyway) boils down to.  Mistrust and denial are big.  There are people spending vast amounts of money to make us buy what they want us to buy, make us believe what they want us to believe, to manipulate us.  To spread that fear.  Yeah, I think you know it.  And you probably really do.  Deep down in your heart of hearts.  It is very scary.

There is good news.  You can protect yourself.  It is not hard to do.  I actually have the answer and it is not 42.  Ready?  Learn.  Not what you were expecting I know.  Okay.  I will break it down further.  Listen.  Still not what you were expecting?  Me either but it works.  It really does. Sometimes it is not easy.  It is hard.  Harder still when you KNOW you are right about something. When you believe something. When you believe IN something.  Sometimes, most times it is worth it to put that aside for a minute and try to see things differently.

Local art on Calle Malecon.
"Get your facts first and then you can distort them as much as you please." - Samuel L. Clemens

I see quotes attributed on Facebook that simply are not true.  I see statements from politicians in the news that just are not true.  People see these things and all of the sudden it IS the truth.  I have done it.  You have done it.  Some post that stuff on purpose to further their own ends.  Politicians do, corporations do.  We should be afraid.  Part of human nature is to believe and there are people paid to take advantage of that. As the late Sir Terry Pratchett alluded to in his book Going Postal; if the beginning sounds right and the end sounds right, the stuff in the middle, the blurry stuff, gets filled in by us. Especially if it plays to a strong fear or strongly held belief.  I have shared things on Facebook adding that they were not true and people just do not see that. They only see what they want to see.  We want to believe.  We have to go beyond that. It is what makes us people.

So who can we trust.  Simple answer here.  Each other.  Arm yourself.  Many Americans do so with guns. It is our right.  I do not really have anything against that though I must confess; I do not understand why one needs an assault weapon to hunt.  So do that if you believe in it.  If you truly believe in being prepared and well armed, do not stop there.  Learn.  Learn if what you hear, what you believe, is true.  Take nothing you read or hear especially on the internet, at face value.  Find out for yourselves.  See if what you were taught all your life is true.  It may not be, at least for you.  Not anymore.  Keep an open mind.   Do not let the infamous "them" control you.  Think for yourself.

True Panama hats are not made in Panama.  They are made in Ecuador.
"As long as I learn I will make mistakes." - Beastie Boys

Clemens said travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.  I can tell you unequivocally, it is true.  Learning. Continuous learning is another bullet for your survival stockpile.  Experience is key. Make mistakes. It is how we learn, how we grow.

My wife and I have traveled to many places.  We ended up here, at least for now.  Being here has changed our perceptions.  A little distance changes everything and change is necessary.  The world is smaller.  We can travel without leaving our couch.  We can research sans library.  Travel and learning are synonymous and people seem happiest when traveling for pleasure. When learning for themselves.  A small amount of effort can make us so powerful.  So fearless.  If we only try.  Adios.

Questions? E-mail us!

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