Or London, Madrid, Athens, Berlin, Rome, Paris, Dhaka, Tokyo, Beijing, Sydney, Cape town, Olso, Moscow, or Warsaw, take your pick. Travel to or from any of them and the actual trip can be the best experience, mediocre experience, or most horrible experience you can imagine. Many of you are experienced travelers. Many are not. Tamera and I are, We have traveled internationally although we are not in my opinion, world travelers. When we travel to Europe or Japan and back then yes,
Before I go on, many of the photographs are stock. Taken from the internet and not in person. We were too busy. Apologies. That is not generally the case for us. We'll do better as we learn. Now-
Gray's Papaya. Now I want two, Red onion sauce baby. |
We like the people. We don't mind putting ourselves out there a little bit. We want our experiences on a personal level. With the locals and not all the other tourists. If you do that, you make friends and you get to see things no one else gets let in on. Like a roadside stand made of rough logs that sells fruit salad. So, it should come as no surprise that when we decided to move, we chose a small fishing village as our destination. Getting here, now that is a different animal altogether.
MIA. and American Airlines. Great service! |
The pets were one obstacle. If you have pets and are seriously considering the move here (or anywhere really) you need to read that post. Four cats and rules we didn't find on the internet caused us some issues.
Required VISA paperwork in the form of FBI background checks was another obstacle. We finally had to leave without them and are still awaiting their delivery.
We had to change airline reservations to the tune of $400 in fees. Yet another obstacle.
On to the trip. To begin with, a car rental company called Avis, that does not know its own policies and considers that your problem, was another obstacle. I am going to say this one time and then let it be. I have used Avis before. Quite a bit actually and for business mostly. Good experiences all until I needed them most. We made our reservation weeks in advance. They made a mistake. They even admitted it but they penalized us for it anyway. This was just 14 hours before we had to drive to Miami. It almost cost us everything. They could not have cared less. They apologized. No more. They did not refund our money immediately though they said they would. We had no car. We had to dispute it with our credit card company, Capital One. They were great. We were able to get another car at the eleventh hour with help from family, through Enterprise. They stayed on so we could get the car. We later sent Avis a detailed e-mail. They responded they were sorry. It came from customer service rather than a manager. Appalling. There is more to it. A lot more but I am done with it and them. That was our last experience with Avis. You however, need to make your own decisions.
Luggage is bayud, hmmmkaaay? |
We are driving to Miami from Jacksonville, Florida. This is a 349 mile trip by car. Five hours drive. A friend told us it is not five hours. Try six hours. He travels there frequently. Okay. We tack on two hours drive time just to be sure. We arrive at MIA (Miami International Airport) almost two hours later than planned. Stress levels are high. If we miss our flight we are done for. We make it to the departure zone. I unload our entire lives onto the sidewalk and sprint back to the car with a quick kiss for my wife. She stays behind. As she dwindles in the rear view I feel horrible about leaving her there alone. It is a mad house and she has too much to look after. I must turn in the car. Thank the heavens I got the right amount of gas. The gauge is just a smidgen over a half tank just like we picked it up.
Yes I will say I received excellent customer service if you will tell me how to get the airport. They do. I DID receive excellent customer service.
You take a train from the rental car garage to the airport. It is a very long run to that train. It is there when I get there. I had to traverse two floors and a rather large parking garage to get there but it is there. I'm on. For a fleeting second I wonder if I got on the right train. I know I did. I call my wife. "Almost there!" I yell over the noise. People look at me, disgusted with my rudeness. I do not really care. It is important my wife hears me and knows I am coming. She does not, not really. Off the train now. I am, where am I? Ah yes. Of course. There is the American Airlines departures sign. I am at the far end of the airport. The opposite end from my wife. It is packed. I run. 10 minutes later I'm standing with my wife who has been trying to get a skycap for an hour. I am off again. Trying to find a skycap. I return with no skycap. My wife has found one. Time to get moving again.
Now I must tell you something important. My wife is disabled. She is not able to walk long distances without experiencing excruciating pain. To sit down for long periods of time causes excruciating pain. She cannot carry anything heavy. Even something light is an issue. She does not take pain medication. She uses a cane. This means once this skycap is gone, I am on my own. The skycap sees her discomfort and takes us to the front of a very long line. We feel bad for the others but we are already late. No time for heroics here. We have a job to do and this helps.
Queens, New York City |
Not quite. We get there. An American Airlines employee sees my wife and I are having a hard time with the carry on. There are no carts. The security checkpoint is a long way off. He grabs some bags and helps us. Thank you American Airlines. Initial checkpoint. TSA (Transportation Security Administration) says we cannot board our cats. We only have 2 "passes" and there are four pets. We explain that there are two carriers, one pass for each. That's what American Airlines allows. Doesn't matter. No boarding for you. My wife is beside herself. I tell her "sit right here". The American Airlines attendant stays with her, comforting her. Thank you American Airlines. I grab the cats and run back to the ticket agent. She says TSA cannot do that. Another manager. She says "follow me". I do, cats in tow. The manager tells TSA they will let us board. Furthermore, they will put us at the front of the line. They do. Thank you American Airlines. Thank you TSA. To the plane!
TSA in action! |
Now to the gate. About 11 light years away. Where are Han and Chewie when you need them, huh? What the heck is wrong with my hyper drive? R2-D2 is gone again. We might have 30 minutes. Ask for directions. Train. Arrive at gate. Fully booked flight. No seats. No benches. My wife is in agony. We made it though. Only boarding to go.
View from our plane after take off. Goodbye USA! |
"Ever feel like you're living in an airport?"
My wife arrives behind everyone else. I fight for her seat. She flops down and off I go to find her a drink. Soda of course. Liquor is what we need but-
Two of these. |
And two of these. |
That's good advice! |
Not quite. Now we have to find our driver if he is here at all. We are 2 hours late. We had no way to call anyone. No way to confirm our arrival. There's a sign! "National Geographic Expedition". Not us. Another sign in a sea of signs. Jason and Tamera- that's us! Our driver Oswando, gets a skycap. They carry everything to his wonderful nine passenger van. We tip the skycap $.50 cents per bag. It is a good tip here and we are assured by Oswando, appropriate. There are CD's. There is air conditioning, There is ice in my glass, so to speak. He reclines the seats. He tells us to sleep. No worries. He's got this. Yeah, I can sleep. Not one wink. It is midnight. We have a four and a half hour drive before we are home.
It is a comfortable ride. My wife is a bit confused when the cats are meowing in their sleep. Then a kitten mews. It is our driver having some fun with us. He is an animal person too. He has a cat, two dogs, and two birds. He sounds just like a kitten. Despite the pain and stress, my wife is laughing for the first time in days.
We arrive at our new home and meet our friend Tamy; in person for the first time. It is 4:30 AM. Her husband is also there and helps with the bags, cats and my wife. They have cleaned the house. They have stocked it with groceries. They give us the tour and then, leave so we can rest. Tamy assures us she will be back the next day to take us shopping for real. We thank her. We eat. We walk down to the Pacific Ocean for the first time in our lives. The sun is rising. We are home.
Quite. Adios!
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